Tammi - LotRFan "Tropical Dreams" Sent
Pam - Hand Crafted With Love - Sent
Denise - Sentiments by Denise - Sent
Janet Sworfford - Sent
Paula Barin - Barin8892@rogers.com - Sent
Judi - Happy Stamper - Sent
Linda - A Happy Scramper
Terri - bboppn@charter.net - Sent
Anne - dinkuminkum@yahoo.com
Patty W - Sent
Tessa Alanis - ftkjb@comcast.net
Char in So Cal - Scrampaddict@cox.net - Sent
Cassie - casslarson@suddenlink.net - Sent
Mary - mekirch@sbcglobal.net - Sent
Priscilla - angelfae20@aol.com - Sent
Kim - Kimmerkidd@yahoo.com - Sent
Barb W - The Buzz - Sent
Doris - Dorris Place - Sent
Lori A - ljatwood@gmail.com - Sent
Pattie Gilbert - Sent
If you see your name here, please make sure I have the correct email addy. For those names listed without an email, please email me or post a link with your email addy here. jdmeyer6@sbcglobal.net
For those that did not leave an email address, you have until December 12th to email me with your address. If I don't receive it by then, I will randomly pick new winners.
My holiday blog will stay active until December 26th and will start back up in November of 2009.
A Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all!
Hugs & Smiles,
OMGosh!! {squealing with delight!!}I hoped and I hoped for weeks to maybe win one of your Christmas cards... I see my name!!!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I am honored and blessed to have won one of your LOVELY creations!! Congrats to the other people who were chosen too!!
Holiday Hugs to You & Yours!!
Char in So Cal
I agree with Char in So Cal, I too have seen my name and am extatic! Thank you!
Happy Holidays!
Me too Jennifer - I'm absolutely delighted to see my name up there. I have sent you an email with my email addy just in case you didn't have it.
Love Pam xx
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